We put Dirk on to the change room wall of honour for all his help with the club for seven or eight years. He played from 2011 to 2018 but was also a member of the executive from 2012 to 2017.
Two years ago the entire Reichow family was our Clubman of the Year. the family was involved in the club of many years with his daughter playing flag rugby, his son Drake coaching the flag rugby and his wife involved in salad making. Dirk moved to Nova Scotia last simmer and we hope they are doing well.
Thanks Dirk
Dirk in action |
Dirk getting bothered by some creepy old guy in a bow tie |
In 2018 The entire Reichow family was awarded the Clubman of the Year for all their efforts over the years. Claire the daughter played for the flag team, Drake played for the high school but was especially good at coaching in our flag program. Jennifer was always available to prepare food for the club games and taking thousands of photographs.
In the summer of 2019 after Drake's graduation from high school, the entire Reichow family left Smithville and moved to Halifax.
The following is the last update from Dirk in Nova Scotia.
How are you and everyone doing? We are all well, healthy and safe.
I'm glad to hear from you and also very deeply honoured that the club has given me a place on one of the plaques in the change room. Having never played the game before James convinced me to come out and try, I am happy that I contributed to the Team, Club and; Executive in some way. I would like to say thank you to everyone who helped me learn how to play (James, Kyle, Derek, Mullet and; yourself - to name a few) and also those that made myself and; my family welcome and part of the Organization (Erin, Nick Lord, Chris & Vic - again to name a few, as well all the 'Old Boys').
Nova Scotia has been a nice change for us all. Claire enjoyed her first, be it shortened, year of school and fit in well. Drake is working at a nearby Tim's while taking some time to decide what he might do next. Jennifer is finishing up an online course in Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to lead to a job as a Nutrition consultant (not a Nutritionist – can’t use that title here in Nova Scotia – I don’t know why). I am going to Nova Scotia Community College starting in September to take the Music Production and Engineering program. I have put some equipment together for a small recording studio and have been taking some online courses and following YouTube channels practicing music recording, mixing, etc.
Hopefully, once this pandemic is under control, we will continue to explore Nova Scotia and the surrounding areas.
Again, I thank you for this honour and want to thank everyone who is a part of the rugby club.
Everyone stay safe and healthy, all the best,