Referee: Jeff Dahl ***, very patient with the other team.
Venue: Alway Field
Weather: nice, 25 degrees, strongish wind to the north (made a difference to the game)
Attendance: Not the 500 expected
Celebs: Donny MacPherson made a surprise visit and intends to play this year. Looks fit as in the photo with a possible new young player, Ryan Henderson, Steve Catagin, Greg Russell and Donny.
Also present was former president Dean Nasby. who was immediately put to work as a line judge which was difficult.
Also in attendance was Frank Schilte, former social member Eddie Vieira, Larry Jaraslawski, Jim Leavens, Adam Wilson and Ben. Also seen around were Alex Easton and Sean Padulo. Andy did not show.
President`s Report: Cambridge is at the top of the table and beat us 66 to 10 in the away game last June. We expected a good set of quick backs and they did score early. They would really have been dangerous if they could have passed the ball well. Strong center work led to a second converted try in the first half but the Gentlemen took over near the end of the half by dominating in the forwards.
Half time score: Grimsby 0: Cambridge 14
Second half, new game. With confidence building with a strong scrum, we came back with a nice run and a try early on in the half touched down by Vic. The convert by Derrick was off the post. Continued forward possession and pressure and a few soccer kicks by the centers led Derrick touching down and which he converted. With less than twenty minutes to go, against the run of play and a scrum we pushed over, Cambridge jumped on the ball when it came out and quickly scored. Convert missed. A nice elusive run set up a try under the posts for Grimsby, but the conversion was missed (down 2). Cambridge scored near the end under the posts and missed the convert.
Final Score: Grimsby 17: Cambridge 14
Team: Nathan Rowbottom, Dylan Kinch, Jon Millington, Jeremy Young, Scotty Walker, Joel Lenard, Bob Mavro, Phil Sullivan, Jon Jeske, Derrick Weber (C), Jamie Scully, Vic Blaney, Alex Millar, Nick Lemieux, A. Nother
Coach`s Report:
It feels good to have a full team to start unlike our past 4 games and with the added bonus, the other team had to play one short. But even with dominance in the scrum and a good lineout and an extra man, we still could not capture the win. We did not have the killer instinct to put away a team that was essentially falling apart, complaining to the ref and trying to delay the game. Our skills and fitness let us down. It looks like Cambridge will forfeit its last two games in September to support their two other teams in the Jones division. This will give wins to Kent and Bruce. It is better we played and lost than not have played but the forfeits by the leading team does not look good for the league. Anyway it was nice to have Joel back for the first time this year and Alex for the first time since June.
Coaches Man of the Match: Vic Blaney for strong running and tackling and a try
Other teams pick: also Vic Blaney
Scotty getting lifted.
Jeremy getting stepped on.
Mystery try scorer.